CARGO BRICS for construction from sea shipping containers


Relevant for today,,

Goals and objectives of the Alliance of Companies

Become a leader in this field of construction in each of the BRICS countries.

Functions of the organization

  1. Sale of containers at the best prices;
  2. Designing houses from containers;
  3. Construction by experienced teams of specialists;
  4. Logistics and relocation;
  5. After-sales service of houses;
  6. Exchange fund of houses using plug-in technology.


The geography is limited only to the BRICS countries due to the simplification of mutual settlements in national currencies, without the use of dollars or euros. However, as of 2023, the total consumer is estimated to be around 3.41 billion people, which is 41.6% of the global population.


BRICS countries: Brazil, China, Russia, India and South Africa. Argentina, Egypt, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia are invited to join on January 1, 2024, when the number of members will increase to eleven. BRICS countries today:


The organization (commonwealth of states) was founded in June 2006 (as BRIC), within the framework of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum with the participation of the ministers of economy of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. As of August 2023, 40 countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS, about 20 of which have formally requested admission. The BRICS share of global GDP is expected to exceed 50 percent by 2030, with the bloc’s expansion almost certainly accelerating this process.

Our current achievements metric

The main source of traffic at the moment: a long introductory article on this site, it can be viewed on the page. This is the current locomotive of the main traffic.

  • Open site statistics according to Yandex data (for users with a Yandex account) –
  • Site statistics according to Google – upon request (for users with a Google account)
  • You can ask a query like this in Google or Yandex “дом из контейнеров проекты“, “дома из морских контейнеров” or “проекты домов из морских контейнеров”. On the first page of search results, the user will see the mentioned article and then place an order to build a house from containers.

Road map

  1. In 2023, translate the locomotive article into all the main languages of the BRICS countries: Chinese, English (India, South Africa), Portuguese (Brazil);
  2. In 2024 Translate the locomotive article into all the languages of the new BRICS countries: Egyptian Arabic (Egypt), Persian or Farsi (Iran), Classical/Literary Arabic (UAE and Saudi Arabia), Amharic (Ethiopia);
  3. From 2024, regularly publish additional relevant articles on all BRICS countries;
  4. From 2025, official registration of the Alliance in all BRICS countries;
  5. Since 2025, the participation of the Alliance in all specialized international exhibitions and conferences.

Cost and conditions of participation

  1. Cooperation agreement for 12 months with annual renewal by agreement of the parties, 1% of the company’s profit;
  2. Participation in the general database of orders for construction from sea containers (pseudo-containers), through publications in a closed channel.

Quality guarantees

  • All members of the Alliance, including the Founder, work officially, pay taxes, when you pay for membership, you receive a cash receipt (Example of an electronic cash receipt);
  • Personal guarantees of the Founder – see page About me;
  • The site has been operating since 2001, proof;

Pay the fee

In a few seconds you will receive a notification about the debit and the money will be transferred to the account of the Founder of the Alliance. Don’t forget to notify me that the transfer has been made. Within 1 business day, I will send you a cash receipt.

If you do not have a Russian bank account, you can pay with cryptocurrency to this wallet: 0x526605B8c0736C799E2739e8b1809466DD968F0e


  • +7 911 911 8888 (Viber/Whatsup/Telegram)
  • +375 29 973 93 69 (Viber/Whatsup/Telegram)
  • e-mail:

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