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Brief information and contacts
Professional education
- University: SPGHPA im. A. L. Stieglitz (formerly Mukhinskoye), St. Petersburg, 2002-2008, Faculty of Design, Department of Industrial Design, industrial designer;
- Art College: Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after. V. M. Vasnetsov, Khotkovo, Moscow region, 1987–1991, artist-craftsman;
- Art School: No. 1 in Sochi, 1983–1987, artist
Art exhibitions & galleries
- “Arctic XXII exhibition of paintings about the Far North”. No end date, worldwide tour;
- The Duck Collection. No end date, worldwide tour;
- #artspacegallery Innovations & #theholyartgallery Tuesday, March 19 · 7 – 9pm EDT, 2024, Stuart Cinema & Cafe @stuartcinema 79 West Street Brooklyn, NY 11222 United States
- “Digital Art virtual continent of creativity”. The exhibition explores the possibilities of computer technology in the visual arts. Until November 25, 2023 at South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk.
- “Heaven on Earth”, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
- “Art-Moment”, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Hermitage Museum, art shop, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Museum “Stroganov Palace”, art shop, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Museum “Catherine’s Palace”, art shop, Pushkin, Russia
- Museum “Catherine Corps”, art shop, Peterhof, Russia
- Gallery “Norht Way”, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Gallery “Beluga Deluxe”, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Gallery “Sea Port”, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Gallery in Cologne, Germany
- Gallery in Frankfurn am Main, Germany
- Gallery in Amsterdam, Holland
- Gallery in Seattle, Washington, USA
- Gallery in Anchorage, Alaska, USA
To give people from all over the world the experience of receiving aesthetic pleasure from visual content, to encourage them to think about existence and enduring values, the opportunity to participate in charitable and educational projects for the general prosperity of human civilization.
Nominated among several thousand artists to collaborate with a trading company from the United States to restore works of art from Russia and popularize russian art in the United States.
Courses, self-education, bibliography
- University of New Mexico 2016, Faculty of University College, form of education: distance learning, International Business course;
- Leningrad Institute of Management Methods and Techniques, St. Petersburg, 2001, Faculty of Design;
- English language courses, Moscow, Minsk;
- On-line course of Dmitry Novoselov “Impact site promotion”;
- On-line course Eugeny Khodchenkov “Business Class”;
- Alexander Redkin’s course on financial literacy;
- Business Model: Henry Ford “My Life, My Achievements”;
- Model of Personal Effectiveness: Robin Sharma “The 5 A.M. Club”;
- Now I study spiritual children’s education according to the Baha’i course, as well as pre-school education according to the Book of S. Alvarez and others.
Mini CV
Artist since 4 years old. Professional artist-master since 1992 (after graduating from the Abramtsevo College). Professional designer since 2008 (after graduating from the Mukhina Academy). Since 2001, work for himself (Davydov-Design-Depot, current site), as well as contract worker.
Work experience in the Russian Federation, Belarus, USA, Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, for the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation (NPO “Aurora”), federal network companies (“Hoff”), small and medium-sized businesses, individual entrepreneurs and individuals as an artist, designer, restorer.
Project management experience: from 6 years old (1970s, making wooden toys for joint games with yard children), miniature painting workshop with more than 50 artists (1990s-2000s sales in the USA and European countries), joint projects in the field of industrial design, architecture, construction, etc. (2000s to the present).
Current activities – painting, graphics, sculpture, fashion and accessories, construction and architecture, interior design and decoration, restoration, website design, start-up and turnkey business, co-owner of a family business in the field of health and sports. Real estate agent in the luxury and high-end luxury segment abroad. Vintage cars and other items.
Current place of permanent work: Belteleradiocompany (, production designer.
Why you can and should cooperate with me without a shadow of a doubt?
- I profess Christianity, Orthodoxy;
- I am close to the Japanese philosophy 改善 kaizen (“continuous improvement”)
Choose a convenient way to contact me:
- e-mail:
- +7 911 911 8888 (Viber/Whatsup/Telegram);
- +375 333 19 65 64
- download an electronic business card in .pdf format