Последнее изменение: August 29th, 2024 в 12:59

Nonart 8192 from nothing

Nonart 8192 from nothing by Igdrus

In the photo: a plaque next to the nonart “8192 from nothing” on the wall of a contemporary art exhibition

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This art object or “non-painting”, hereinafter referred to as the nonart* with the title “8192 from nothing”. NFT Phygital** Art, digital art, performance, artist Igor Davydov (c) 2024 nonart consists of 8192 empty pixels and is accordingly divided into 8192 parts for 8192 potential buyers.

History of nonart

Nonart is based on the “Black Square” – the most famous work of Kazimir Malevich. The painting “Black Square” was created in 1915 and became a statement about the emergence of a new direction in art (Suprematism). Malevich wanted to completely abandon the depiction of reality and invent a new world of forms. The meaning of this work was reduced to the primacy of the black square over other forms in art as a primary element.

Nonart “8192 from Nothing” appeared 109 years after “Black Square” for a reason. The primary element in this nonart is actually nothing, empty transparent pixels. According to the author, contemporary art again needs a complete rethinking of itself and its place in society. This refers to new discoveries in quantum physics, the emergence of a completely artificial digital environment, artificial “intelligence” that paints pictures in a split second, the imposition of a “cancel culture” on everything and everyone…



Purchase Contents

By purchasing this nonart, you receive:

  1. High-resolution digital file;
  2. Digital contract on the Ethereum network*** to confirm ownership, sale and resale of this NFT****;
  3. Phygital Art. Real conceptual art-performance*****.

Organization of the exhibition

Conceptual exhibition. Not a painting is exhibited in any open or closed space in the form of emptiness with an author’s plate and a brief description.

Display options:

  • empty wall, with author’s plate (visually on the bottom right);
  • empty frame on the wall, with author’s plate (visually on the bottom right);
  • island structure with an empty frame and an attached author’s plate.

Details on the page

Discuss nonart

You can comment on this non-painting in any social network by adding the hashtag #неКартина8192 . Then I will find your discussion and respond personally. The list of social networks is at the bottom of the page.

Glossary of terms

*Nonart means immaterial art, it cannot even be called art, although it can be exhibited as such, as a modern art object (without the object itself). The paradox of nonart is that it can also be bought, and not even once, but 8192 times, thanks to modern technology.

** Phygital (physical + digital) Art refers to objects that are both physical and digital. Collectors often find this format more accessible than crypto art, which they can’t touch.

*** The Ethereum network is a decentralized, community-driven technology that powers the cryptocurrency “ether” (ETH). Anything you can own can be represented, sold, and used as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). You can create, buy, and automatically receive royalties each time you resell your artwork. Details here.

**** NFT is a type of cryptographic token, each copy of which is unique and cannot be replaced or substituted by another similar token. A non-fungible token is a cryptographic certificate of a digital object with the ability to transfer the certificate through a mechanism used in cryptocurrencies. The token itself is not proof of ownership of a digital asset in the context of copyright law. NFT does not prevent the copying of an object, it only assigns a “digital token” to the owner

Buy nonart

You can buy it in full or in part (from 1/8192nd part of the non-painting) using the link below, the R button leads to the official sales page of the non-painting – the RARIBLE.COM marketplace

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